Always and Forever, Lara Jean by Jenny Han




Always and Forever, Lara Jean by Jenny Han
Series: To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before #3
Publisher: Scholastic Press
First published May 2nd, 2017
Genres: Contemporary, YA, Romance
Pages: 325
Format: Paperback
Buy: Book Depository | Amazon

Lara Jean is having the best senior year a girl could ever hope for. She is head over heels in love with her boyfriend, Peter; her dad’s finally getting remarried to their next door neighbor, Ms. Rothschild; and Margot’s coming home for the summer just in time for the wedding.

But change is looming on the horizon. And while Lara Jean is having fun and keeping busy helping plan her father’s wedding, she can’t ignore the big life decisions she has to make. Most pressingly, where she wants to go to college and what that means for her relationship with Peter. She watched her sister Margot go through these growing pains. Now Lara Jean’s the one who’ll be graduating high school and leaving for college and leaving her family—and possibly the boy she loves—behind.

When your heart and your head are saying two different things, which one should you listen to?

Captura de ecrã 2017-06-30, às 18.09.21


I loved this book. I understand that a lot of people were not thrilled for the duology to turn into a trilogy and I often feel the same, but it was the first time I read any of these books so, for me, it was already a trilogy.

I think this was the perfect conclusion to the previous books and I loved this one even more than the second one! The first one and this one are definitely the best for me, but I do seem to have kind of a hard time with sequels so…

In this book, I felt that we had a lot more of Lara Jean than in the previous one. It felt more focused in her although it had also a lot of development in her family. Maybe it’s just me but I think this showed, even more, her personality and her thoughts.

I love Lara Jean, I think she is an incredible character and I feel very connected to her because I think she is very similar to me in many things. She is quiet, shy, sweet; she likes to bake, she likes to read, she is very devoted to her family and often tends to put others before her, only then realizing that it’s her life she should be taking care of. I really see myself a lot in her and I would have loved to have these books when I was around 16 years old. I would have probably felt less self-conscious of myself.

And of course, in this book, we have also Peter, whom I love! I really liked the boys in these books and I have to say that Peter is just amazing! I loved their relationship and to see how caring they were of one another! even when things got more difficult I loved that they still made an effort.

And of course, I love the Song family! They are incredible. I love Kitty the most… She is just the cutest character ever! I would have loved to be like her! I already kinda liked Margot, but in this book, I got to know more about her and I really enjoyed what I read! Such amazing characters…

Of course, the writing helped a lot to feel these characters so much, and I already want to re-read them all! I’ve been wanting to read them for so long, and I am really happy I loved it this much!

This is such a warm-hearted and emotional book! I passed all the last pages crying my heart out and I absolutely loved everything about it! I would definitely, definitely recommend it!

Quotes worth reading:

“Never say no when you really want to say yes.”

“I guess that’s part of growing up, too–saying goodbye to the things you used to love.”

“Being vulnerable, letting people in, getting hurt… it’s all part of being in love.”

“She always picked love; she always picked adventure. To her they were one and the same.”

“Is this how it goes? You fall in love, and nothing seems truly scary anymore, and life is one big possibility?”


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Have you read this one yet? What did you think of it? Let’s discuss it in the comments below!


4 thoughts on “Always and Forever, Lara Jean by Jenny Han

  1. I haven’t read this series yet and at first I wasn’t convinced that it was my thing bc I don’t read a lot of YA contemporary romance but ahhh the more reviews I read the cuter it sounds! 🙂


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